For a while now, I have had a facebook and it was my favorite! I was on it all the time talking to my close friends, putting pictures of me, my friends, and my family on there, and just enjoying everything about it! It seemed like all of my days stresses were gone when I was on there and when I had a good day, I told my friends all about it. It was my heaven! A big thing happened in the middle of everything and yes, it was a guy who I thought was pretty awesome at the time. I found my self on there for maybe about 5 hours a day to wait for him to get on so we could talk. After we sorta "broke up" as you could say, my parents made a time limit because it was cutting out my time with the family. My limit was 20 minutes a day and I always snuck on a lot still because you can't do a lot in 20 min. It started to get bad but soon just how it was before. I had one and one talks with my parents about there concerns and what I thought about the whole thing; to be honest, it got pretty annoying.
Soon I got sick of that so it started to get better which was about a half hour each day. It was perfect for me and it seemed like there wasn't as much stuff that I needed to do on their as much as I needed to before. I was pretty happy but still not overly best. I still wanted life better and I wanted to be happier but I didn't know what to do. I just needed and wanted a change.
The North Stake President and Presidency have said to get rid of Facebook but inside I had the attitude like "Yeah Right!" A couple days ago my amazing uncle came to me and started talking to me about the whole facebook thing and said why the teens needed to . I was asleep for a while and during my dream time, my dad and uncle were talking about it. After I awoke my dad told me to listen to him about what he was going to say and I new what was coming. He told me a story that there stake president gave and this is what I heard.
A girl down south had a facebook and she followed all the rules on there. She had pictures of her and friends and she never thought any harm could come of it. Well she got poked by a guy (which means they can see your profile) and he looked through her pictures. In one of them, there was a person in the back ground with a sweat shirt on with there school name. He got where she lived and soon was there in her home town and following her for 5 days so he knew her daily schedule and where she was at all times. After those days, he kidnapped the girl. Soon after, they found the guy right before he killed her. But how did he find her? Facebook.
I never knew that people could poke me and see my profile and I don't think most people know that either. It was a big supprise to me and I got scared to death by the thought of someone doing that to me! Even the good and wholesome people can be led into something they never knew was happening behind their backs.
The FBI 2nd thing on the danger list is having teens have Internet accouts such as Facebook, Bebo etc. Their has been murderings and other bad things happen to people, especially girls, that no one would expect by having an account of something; I never knew it personally.
Facebook isn't wrong at all, it's the risks of those Internet predators who are after teenagers. If it weren't for those people looking for something horribally wrong, I would still most likely have a facebook still. Every one has there agency but I have decided to delete mine for these reasons. Most people as you know don't have these problems at all but to me, it isn't worth the risk. I don't want to die and face Him and have Him ask why I didn't follow my Stake Presidents advise. I don't want to live with regret. There are a lot more stake presidents saying the same thing just like the North and Henrey's Fork Stake Presidents have. I'm not here to persuade anyone who is reading this but I do want to set an example for the people around me.
After finding this stuff out, I've decided to delete my facebook and create a blog which is practically like a jounral. I want to look back and have my future family know what I have faced and what I'm giving up. My blog is going to count for one of my Personal Progress Projects and to always update it ever twice a week or so. I'm also going to protect mine soon so no one can get on my sight with out my permission. If you want to email me, post a comment on this post so I can add you.
I want everyone to know, friends, family, and loves ones, that I want to say I'm sorry for the pain that my family has had to put up with this. Before having a time limit and being on facebook ALL the time, was taking me away from my family. Instead of bonding with my sibblings and making memories with them fot the short time that I'm here with them to watch then grow and learn, I was on facebook most of my day. It was a big regret of mine and I've appologized to my family about it but I can't go back and relive it again. We learn from our mistakes but I hope that you learn from mine.
Thanks for reading my brief story on why I'm deleting mine. I hope you respect my decision and come to an understanding what I'm talking about is the truth. My door of facebook closes, but my life of blogging and happiness is opening now.